One of the most daunting challenges impeding this goal is the White Feces Syndrome (WFS), a pervasive gastrointestinal issue primarily

One of the most daunting challenges impeding this goal is the White Feces Syndrome (WFS), a pervasive gastrointestinal issue primarily

To meet the demand for global pork consumption and face current economic, regulatory, and sustainability challenges, the swine industry has

With a focus on enhancing animal health and welfare while minimizing environmental impact, Actisaf® Sc 47 offers groundbreaking solutions for

The program builds on a decade of research and development on yeast and bacteria, probiotics and postbiotics.

Amid increasing demands to reduce the carbon footprint in livestock production, Actisaf® Sc 47 yeast probiotic emerges as a sustainable

Expert voice: Lawsonia intracellularis on German pig farms, performance losses may even not be known! Interview of Prof. Dr. Michael

Animal welfare should always be first, hence the importance of in vitro modelling to reduce animal trials.

Good nutrition isn’t just important for sow and piglet health and performance; it can also boost overall performance and even

Gestation and lactation are high demanding phases for sows, in which they require the right set of nutrients to retain

Actisaf SC 47 HR+ is a new generation yeast probiotic proven effective in poultry to support gut integrity.

Actisaf SC 47 HR+ is a new generation yeast probiotic proven effective in poultry to support gut integrity.